Important Company in the Insurance Sector Implements Oracle Virtual Databases

about aseguradora fortaleza

Public Limited Company established in Bolivia and belonging to the insurance sector that focuses mainly on the SME and individual market. It also maintains a national presence in seven of the country's nine departments.

The Challenge

After a period of rapid growth in the insurance market, Aseguradora Fortaleza sought to achieve alignment and operational efficiency across the company. To do this, they decided to first focus on unifying the General and People applications to improve their services and optimize their maintenance and development model.

Managing an application for general branches and another for health and personal life had resulted in a lack of coherence and standardization of processes within the company. Additionally, it translated into rework and high costs since new developments and maintenance had to be carried out in both applications.

Furthermore, in the face of increasing industry compliance and regulatory requirements, Aseguradora Fortaleza was eager to stay at the forefront of responding to these changes, while maintaining a focus on customer service and the agility to offer new services with the implementation of new modules to your system.

What did VPD do?

The commercial relationship established since 2020 between Aseguradora Fortaleza and VPD Proyectos y Sistemas made our choice to carry out the project an obvious choice. We work hard on the migration and logical separation of the data from both applications as well as the standardization of the business logic, forms and reports of each application.

Data Migration – VPD proyectos y Sistemas exported the data from the Personal Insurance application and imported it into the database of the General Branches (SMEs) application. Additionally, it unified the backend business logic (PL/SQL) in which both applications differed.

Logical Data Separation – VPD Proyectos y Sistemas implemented the use of Oracle Virtual Private Databases, creating security policies to control access to data at the row and column level. Every time a user accesses data from a table with policies, Oracle modifies the SQL statement and adds a WHERE clause that is returned by a context function of the security policy application.


Technology We Use In The Project

Oracle Virtual Private Database
Oracle Forms&Reports 12C
Oracle FormsAPI
Oracle Schema Compare
Microsoft Visual Studio

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